When it comes to the environment, the key topics are reducing CO2 and other emissions and cutting the use of resources. Value-enhancing investments of around CHF 65 million in renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures are planned out to 2030 to achieve the CO2 reduction path.
In 2023, 14 photovoltaic installations with a peak output of 3,319 kW went into operation. Previously installed systems together generated 878 MWh of renewable electricity in the calendar year. We also further boosted the share of renewable energy in the portfolio and are encouraging heating systems that use renewable energy sources in new build and renovation projects.
We are also committed to developing sustainable solutions and collaboration between the worlds of business, government, education, politics and academia. This includes serving on the board of the Sustainable Construction Network Switzerland (NNBS) and being a member of the Circular Building Charter.
Label strategy
To reach the ambitious goals under the reduction path, Allreal has set clear rules for renovation and building new properties. We follow the Sustainable Construction Switzerland standard (SNBS) for this. All new builds are completed and certified to SNBS Gold. This includes ambitious thresholds for permissible greenhouse gas emissions, when under construction and in operation. To date, the focus as far as energy is concerned has mainly been on the energy used in operation (replacing heating systems, improving insulation, etc.); now emissions during construction and when manufacturing the building materials are also taken into account. Grey energy captures all the processes across the lifecycle of a building or component; it includes manufacturing, replacement investment and disposal, taking the depreciation periods of individual components into account.
Circular Building
By signing the Circular Building Charter, Allreal is committed to the shared ambition of cutting the use of non-recyclable primary raw materials to 50% of the total volume, logging and significantly reducing indirect greenhouse gas emissions and measuring and improving the recyclability of renovation work and new builds by 2030.
The construction industry is increasingly focusing on recycling in response to the rising consumption of primary resources and landfill as a way of contributing to achieving Swiss and global climate objectives. This involves encouraging and using digitalisation, new business models and innovative processes. We hold regular conversations with our partners to keep up with the latest trends. We are taking our first steps towards the circular economy at our flagship Baarermatte project, where re-using building materials from the current property is a firm part of the planning.
Digitalisation started making its mark on the construction and property industry a long time ago.
Energy consumption and CO2 emissions
Allreal is committed to keeping energy consumption and the associated greenhouse gas emissions low and steadily reducing them further.
From this year on, Allreal uses the internationally recognised Greenhouse Gas Protocol to measure greenhouse gas emissions. Allreal includes Scopes 1 (direct emissions), 2 (indirect emissions) and 3.3 (fuel and energy-related emissions). Electricity used by tenants is not currently shown.
Total energy consumption fell 2.8% in 2023 from the previous year to 71.25 GWh. Energy intensity was 89.0 kWh/m2 of rentable space, compared to 94.8 kWh/m2 the previous year. This is mainly due to the mild winter, which resulted in a year-on-year decline in heating degree days.
Residential and commercial properties with a total rentable area of 800,460 m2