When it comes to Governance, the key topics are ESG integration and ethics, integrity and compliance. The fundamental principles of collaboration for Allreal are laid down in the Code of Conduct. They include the following points: acting and behaving lawfully and with integrity, non-discrimination, data protection and confidentiality, workplace health and safety and protecting the environment.
Embedding sustainability in the organisational structure
Sustainability is embedded in the strategy and corporate culture of Allreal. Ultimate responsibility lies with the Board of Directors, but it affects all business activities and requires the commitment of all employees. The Board of Directors decides Allreal’s sustainability strategy and goals and monitors how they are developed and implemented. The sustainability department reports directly to the CEO. Working groups and committees are set up for special tasks and projects.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct, which is binding for the entire Allreal Group, outlines the business conduct expected of all employees and business partners and defines the guidelines that must be respected and followed with no exceptions or limitations. Our activity is based on taking personal responsibility for observing ethical standards and strictly complying with all legislation relevant to the company.
Whistleblower hotline
Employees and third parties who discover or suspect violations of applicable laws or the Code of Conduct are able to report these to a whistleblower hotline. Reports can be made using the online form on the Allreal intranet and the company website. Use of a third-party provider ensures whistleblowers always remain anonymous and information is kept confidential. The hotline ensures whistleblowers do not suffer any negative consequences from making contact.
In addition to the existing whistleblower hotline, Allreal also works with the Swiss centre addressing bullying and harassment. The centre is on hand to advise employees and members of Group Management who are concerned about signs of bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace, with anonymity maintained at all times.
Swiss centre addressing bullying and harassment in the workplace