* 1976, Swiss
Vice Chairman, Member since 2016
Chairwoman of the Nomination and Compensation Committee
Lawyer, Lic. iur. HSG, LL.M.
Since 2003 | Lawyer and partner at law firm MLL Legal AG (formerly MLL Meyerlustenberger Lachenal Froriep AG) |
2020–2023 | Member of the executive management (CFO) at law firm MLL Meyerlustenberger Lachenal Froriep AG |
2011–2017 | Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Roth+Rau AG, Germany (now: Meyer Burger Germany GmbH) |
Other activities and vested interests
Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of JJF-Gemma Capital AG, Küsnacht
Member of the Board of Directors of Inergies Capital AG, Wollerau, and Global-e CH AG, Baar
Managing Director of Borderfree PayCO Switzerland GmbH, Baar