Our responsibility

We take our responsibility towards the environment and society seriously. This is why we are committed to acting responsibly and to sustainable corporate governance.

Details on our progress towards our targets can be found in our sustainability report, which is prepared in accordance with the GRI standards. Selected key figures are audited by an external service provider (limited assurance).

Sustainability Report

Sustainability Strategy 2025-2028

Our sustainability strategy primarily addresses issues that we can influence directly. We have defined focal points and ambitious, concrete, and measurable goals for the areas of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG).

Material topics

We identified the topics relevant to us through a multi-level stakeholder dialogue and we have been reviewing them regularly ever since. The materiality analysis was conducted in consultation with employees from all areas and at all levels of the hierarchy, as well as with other stakeholders such as tenants, suppliers and representatives from the scientific community, civil society and the financial sector. We added our findings to the results of a written survey that was circulated widely among all stakeholders.

In determining the material topics, we have evaluated both the impact of our business operations on society and the environment (materiality of impacts) and the impact of society and the environment on our business (financial materiality).

Our key targets 2025-2028

We have defined priorities and targets for environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues – ambitious, specific and measurable.


  • We will halve the consumption of non-renewable energy by 2030 and achieve net zero in the real estate portfolio by 2050 at the latest.

    IndicatorsBaseline2028 target
    Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 + 2 + 3.3 in kg CO2/m2a)11.49.2
    Proportion of renewable energy sources compared to total energy consumption48.155.4
    Integration of sustainable energy supply and mobility in new buildings and refurbishmentsproject-relatedachieved
  • We build and operate properties sustainably.

    IndicatorsBaseline2028 target
    Proportion of area in investment properties with a sustainability label (%)43.950
    Creation and implementation of guidelines for sustainable real estate managementpendingachieved
    Green leasependingachieved
  • We are continuously reducing our resource consumption and promoting the circular economy.

    IndicatorsBaseline2028 target
    Survey of circularity indicators for new and renovated buildings (% end-of-life circularity) not specifiedmeasured value
    Average proportion of renewable raw materials in construction projects (%) not specifiedmeasured value
    Average carbon emissions generated for the construction and operation of new buildings (kg CO2/m2a)7.4construction 9,
    residential operation 0,
    commercial operation 1
  • We are committed to biodiversity, climate-adapted water management and sustainable land use. 

    IndicatorsBaseline2028 target
    Implementation of biodiversity strategy and sponge city approach in the investment portfoliopendingachieved
    Portfolio screening and definition of a package of measures pendingachieved
    Implementation of the package of measurespendingachieved
  • Social

  • We design and manage real estate that offer a high quality of life and take social aspects into account.

    IndicatorsBaseline2028 target
    Implementation of socio-spatial features in new and renovated buildingspendingachieved
    Tenant dialogue and satisfaction (% tenant satisfaction)7680
    Promotion of social and functional mixes and communal life in districtsproject-specificachieved
  • Shared values, a modern understanding of leadership and opportunities for further develop-ment make Allreal an attractive employer.

    IndicatorsBaseline2028 target
    Implementation of values and understanding of leadership (% identification with values and leadership7280
    Employee satisfaction (%)7680
    Training and development hours (n hours per FTE)23.551.6
  • The protection of health and safety in the workplace is our top priority.

    IndicatorsBaseline2028 target
    Number of serious accidents on construction sites (n)0<2
    Injury rate [(n documented work-related injuries / n hours worked) per 200,000 hours]2<1.3
    Absentee rate (% n hours of absences due to illness or accident / n hours worked)3.9<3.5
  • We promote diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion.

    IndicatorsBaseline2028 target
    Creation and implementation of guidelines on diversity, equal opportunities and inclusionpendingachieved
    Equal pay (number of external analyses confirming equal pay)01
    Proportion of women on the Board of Directors / in Group Management / in top management (%)BoD 25
    Group Mgt. 0
    Top Mgt. 20
    BoD 30
    Group Mgt. 20
    Top Mgt. 30
  • Governance

  • Allreal’s way of thinking and working is defined by its sustainable practices and sustainable corporate governance.

    IndicatorsBaseline2028 target
    Proportion of employees with annual targets that incorporate sustainability-related aspects (%)10070
     Variable compensation linked to sustainability targets (%)10100
     Raising awareness of sustainability-related issues in the companypartially achievedachieved
  • We consistently align our business activities with ethical principles.

    IndicatorsBaseline2028 target
    Number of training sessions on the Code of Conduct (n overall during strategy period)03
    Number of breaches of the Code of Conduct and bullying (n)10
    Integration of sustainability requirements in procurementpartially achievedachieved
  • We proactively discuss material sustainability topics with relevant stakeholders and communicate transparently about goals and progress.

    IndicatorsBaseline2028 target
    Stakeholder dialogue (n overall during strategy period)02
    Commitment and collaboration with associations and networkspartially achievedachieved
    Social engagementpendingachieved
  • We use digitisation processes to achieve improvements in quality, efficiency and sustainability. Data protection and cybersecurity are integral to our way of doing business.

    IndicatorsBaseline2028 target
    Number of training sessions on data protection (n overall during the strategy period)01
    Number of IT audits/year (n)11
    Digital transformation of real estate managementpendingachieved
  • Our CO2 reduction path

    One key focus in the environmental dimension is to achieve net zero by 2050 at the latest. An important interim goal is to reduce greenhouse gases by 50% by 2030.

    In order to achieve the ambitious targets of the reduction path, we have developed a label strategy that contains clear guidelines for the renovation and new construction of properties. We set low limits for greenhouse gas emissions and also take grey energy into account.

    Our label strategy

    We are guided by the Swiss Sustainable Construction Standard (SNBS). All new buildings for our own portfolio or for sale are completed and certified to the SNBS Gold standard. Our own renovation projects ideally follow the SNBS renewal standards.

    Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

    We contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the Member States of the United Nations through our business activities and our sustainability strategy. These goals are to be achieved globally and by all UN Member States by 2030. Our guiding principle is SDG 11:

    ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’.

    Moreover, our efforts correspond to several of the other goals covering the following areas:

    Climate and energy

    Supporting the circular economy

    Allreal as an attractive and safe employer
