
Panorama Eggen

Eggen Aussen Spielplatz

Allreal is developing and building a five-storey apartment building with 73 condominiums on the Eggen site in Lucerne's Büttenen district. For the approximately 8400 square metre site, Allreal carried out a study commission with six architectural firms. In May 2019, the jury unanimously recommended the project of the internationally renowned architectural firm by Caruso St John Architects for further development.

There are no sales documents available yet.

Facts and figures

Offer 73 2½- to 5½-room condominiums
Construction due to start Q1/2025
Project due to be completed 2027

Interest list



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Eggen Aussen Dachterrasse WEB
Eggen Aussen Garten WEB
Eggen Aussen Spielplatz WEB
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