Ownership status | sole ownership |
Year of construction | 2018 |
Area of property in m² | 11 018 |
Other uses in m² | - |
Renovation | - |
1–1½-room apartments | - |
2–2½-room apartments | 14 |
3–3½-room apartments | 25 |
4–4½-room apartments | 31 |
> 5-room apartments | 6 |
Ownership status | sole ownership |
Year of construction | 2018 |
Area of property in m² | 11 018 |
Other uses in m² | - |
Renovation | - |
1–1½-room apartments | - |
2–2½-room apartments | 14 |
3–3½-room apartments | 25 |
4–4½-room apartments | 31 |
> 5-room apartments | 6 |